Sunday, December 18, 2011

All I want for Christmas is You

It's 7 days 'til Christmas, baby.
Merry Christmas ladies. :)

When I reminisce my past Christmas celebrations,
 I just think that we don't celebrate Christmas as happy as before.
In my childhood, my grandparents would play christmas songs on the stereo, 
cook and prepare lots of food, all the lights are sparkling and colorful, 
oh men, I can't explain how happy our place looks like. 
But now, oh well. never mind. Haha. Just like that. Is that because were grown-ups? wow. Haha
and I admit, my last christmas wasn't what I was expecting it to be. (expectations, yeah it sucks). 
Me and my cousins are sitting at the couch staring at each other and 
doesn't have a clue what to do. :| talk about being bored to death. Oh well.

Ehem. Enough of the bad vibes.
Our class party :

a kiss from Crishamei <3 :))

Let's see what I'll be receiving this Christmas. kyaa
'til next time, huh? heehee.

Q: What would you like to receive this Christmas? :)

Monday, November 21, 2011


If this was just that easy to do. :))))
It's hard you know! cause I haven't tried it at all, yet. hihi.
How Barbie her hair looks like! aww. Me jealous. :))

Well, It's November. I'm laughing inside my head right now. XD
'cause I don't really know if you notice my entry which is about Daniel Padilla.
I can't make up my mind. To post or not to post.
After all, my classmates already found this blog of mine and I don't want to intrigue them! Haha
I decided, NOT TO POST. Haha. Me shy! :D

Moving on, I was happy. was? heehee. I took pictures of my face. :)

oh, that slipper got your attention. hihi

Troll face? XD Like this:

heehee. crazy. that's all for now.
bye ladies! ehem* hehe Mwa :-*

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Oh, October...

Please be awesome, please be awesome, please be awesome... Oh, cross-fingers!! Haha. We've got exciting activities in our school this month.Yay! First, our Science Camp, overnight! We got to do things like Robotics Dance (yeah, raised eyebrow. hoho), jingle writing competition, environmental fliers, the Sci Tech Quiz, That Bb. Kalikasan.. Oh well, I can't remember the others. I guess it will surely be lotsa fun. Hoho. And for the last day, overnight again! Girl Scouts now. Kyaaaa~ Haha 
Armed and ready to go. Maybe? Haha

And oh, I found this:
makes me drool. YUM*  heaven! 
Until next entry, okay? mwah mwah :-* ^^

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Modern Dance Competition

the kid with the red glasses on the left. ;)

It's been several weeks or days or yeah, a month! >< I don't have that much time to blog anymore, and our monthly exam is on Monday, I have to review! I have a goal to be in our top achievers this quarter. well good luck. Haha.

Yeah, I've joined our Modern Dance Competition held in our school, where every year level compete. During our practice, we give all our time and effort, oh well, most of it.. or not? haha. I admit, we always have fun with what we're doing, so all the joy gets in the way. Sometimes, we don't take our practice seriously. 

Okay, so it's our Intramural Games, and I'm a Badminton Player. I have a game on schedule and our dance starts for less than an hour! Oh no! I don't have much time to prepare. If I leave, my game will be defaulted. Aaaaahhh.. Haha. But no, fortunately, they cut the games. hmm.. So I went home to prepare. Kk. Enough of the story...

Fast forward.. We placed 3rd. That's sad :( 
But the memories are priceless! swear! :) Here are some photos taken after. Ta-naaan:

hungrrrrrryyyyyy! ^^

with my cousin and ate kriselle :)

That's all for now, Thanks for reading until here! I promise I'll bloghop as soon as my schedule got loose and my computer is fixed, ok? Stay put. Haha. That's why I love y'all sweethearts! *wink Buh bye. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shopping Haul # 2

So much for luck, huns~ Well, my computer just crashed and burned! Damn. xP
I'm just borrowing my mom's laptop. Whew.. And, yeah you've guessed it, I just went SHOPPING. :)

Shopping takes my stress away. Do you agree? Here are my latest purchases. ^^ :)))

1. Etude House Nail Polish in PK011

2. Etude House VIP Girl Dear darling lips in PK006

Little details do matter. :)

much-like the color of Barbie <3 

And oh, I already got my Etude House Pink Membership Card Horaaaay! :)

Well, I got tired finishing my project in Computer about number system, conversions, boolean expressions. Oh, I don't wanna talk about it! Haha. Oh goodness! I've been getting busy and busier lately. I wish to rest. :)
See you next time sweethearts. 3>

Friday, July 22, 2011

I miss blogging

Ohmy, I've updated. Ohmy! Ohmy! I've been really really reaaalllllyyyyyy busy.
Gomen-ne~! I'm really sorry! So yeah, and yeah, and yeah! haha.

I'll be blah-bing about what I've done these past few days. On my first day of school, We have our group, eleven members, ehem* to introduce to you again ehem* ^^ :
Me, Charmaine, Jamm, Xristal, 
Anne, Clarisa, Allona, Cj, Gene, Dannica, and our only boy, Bailey! :) 
Special mention to Jenevieve for not being in the picture. ^^

Ofcourse, our usual gatherings! haha. Having lunch at our desired friend's place, trip to the mall, playing billiards, bowling or sports and watching movies!

 @ Mcdonald's! Anne, where are you? Anne is taking the picture. Lol:p
Oh! and we're like a one big BIG happy family. :"))))))

About junior high.. uhmm... I think this school year has been the busiest. 
On the first week, there's been a lot of work to do. There were already reportings, projects, I think everyday you'll just have to study! Haha! Isn't it what it's all about? (: 
And we just had our first monthly exam last week!
 Fortunately, I didn't fail! Kampai!!!!!!! Hahaha!

Oh, I remembered! A Girl Scout! Being the Patrol Leader, too much pressure and resposibility, I guess. Lahat ng kaba, sinalo ko na! haha.
On all the drills, activities and training, you must give your best.
 There are 8 patrols and each patrol has 5 members. I handle an elementary student, Ceryl Joyce. 1st year, Micha Yap, 2nd year, Donyelle Niebres, and a 3rd year, my classmate, one of my best friends and Asst. Patrol Leader, Xristal Paraiso.
Next saturday will be our 6th training day?! Hope we will be the winners of our drill,
the gold star is just pecious! haha.

Here is a picture of our ... I don't know what to call this? haha.
At first it was orange but my patrol color is GREEN. ta-naaan! XD
Troop Zodiac Patrol Aries. 1-4 a symbol of our group. 

By the great, great scout master of all good scouts, 
spread it all over the world and be with us until we meet again! 
Jyaaaaaaaaa ne~! :")))))))

Friday, June 24, 2011


Fact: At 7mins and 8secs after 6 o’clock on Sep. 10th of this year, It will be 06:07:08 09/10/11. It will not happen again until 3011.

I captured a rainbow! Haha. I'm ridiculous. uhh.. I love rainbows, they rarely appear so I'm really happy when I see one. This automatically makes me smile and say "Look! a RAINBOOOWW!Haha!

This was taken in the morning. Before the rain! I don't know, haha. I thought rainbows are supposed to appear after the rain? But yeah, It was such a gloomy morning. I didn't had the chance to take a picture of the other rainbow. It was a rainbow after rainbow.. like this one:  

and It's right above our heads! Haha. That's all. It's been a while. So many works, very busy, and that's just two weeks of school. Ohmy. I'll have my next entry as soon as I'll have my free time.You'll be reading a lot from me next time. Hopefully! Haha. ;)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Junior High

Sophomore years has ended. Oh man! But yeah, on those last days... I learned how to "like" studying. Haha. Just because I became one of the top 10 in our class, I got motivated. ^^ Even though before, I never really cared about studying.. I'm just reading, and listening, and reading and more reading. ugh. ^^ Most of you smarty-pants study before playing, but in my case, I ended up staying late to memorize those history stuff just because I was busy watching television or browsing the net earlier that day. Haha. Well yeah, I study. Of course, so that I will not be embarrassed when the teacher calls and asks me a question, right? But I never really expected to be one of those achievers. And from that day, here comes...

The First day of Junior High school. Ohmy! We are now on the third floor of the building! Haha. And there goes the traditional "introduce yourself in front of the class". :| Except for the fact that everybody already know me. well, most of them. hah! :) Ooh. Homeworks, projects, assignments, lectures.. I would love to have a great challenge. Especially projects, and yeah. I cram! For the reason that I really don't know what to do at first or otherwise I'm out of juices for new ideas~ I'm really expecting a lot from this school year, especially after this and my senior year,
 I'm off to college! Waaa. ^^

Hmm.. I think this is my first entry about my deep, deep, deep thoughts, ne~? Haha. So.. I think It's already 5:45 in the morning. I'm off to school, okay? My heart beats fast! O.O
 Good Luck Nikole! ^^ *sigh, See you next entry sweethearts! Jyaaa ne ;)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Phone Deco

Hoho. Look! Aaaahhhhh!! Well, It's really my first time to do this and It took us hours to finish! Kidding. ^^ Of course with the help of my mom. :)  Haha. It's hard at first timers, (like this girl ^^) when we're "positioning" the deco-thingy. Haha and, uh... cutting a hole for the camera lens. It's like my mom and I are doing an operation in the hospital! Hahaha. But, totally worth it!


Tan-aaaann! Haha. ^^

Well, that's it! :D My phone is upgraded. Okay, I'm sorry I forgot to take a picture of the back part of my phone. Gomen~ne. I got excited in applying it already. Haha. So, yeah. I don't know what to say anymore!! hmm.. Aahh. Haha. Crazy again. *wink ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Etude House + Blogger Award #2

I went to a friend's house and since It's near from a mall... yeah, I spent again! :/ Haha. I went to SM City Masinag, and I saw Etude House open already! I was just shocked! Lol. Well, I'm really waiting for it but It's just a pity that I didn't prepared enough money that time. Talk about wrong timing! I will be back there soon! Haha. For the meantime, these stuff:

 EH Loofah and LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails 

LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails

Sorry, I can't read it. ^^

And oh, you need to purchase a minimum of P500 worth of products on single receipt at any Etude House boutique to access their Pink Membership. I was confused when this lady in the cashier gave me the form for their membership and asked for approx P650 payment.. I was just like... O.o huh? what? :| When in fact I just bought two items which costs.. I think approx P250 only! *ehem! Haha.

 And yeah, I bought these pens too! Barbie Roller Pen (and some G-Tech)@ National Bookstore<3

And about that Friendship Button Award, I'm sorry It's kinda late.. Here it is:
My Blogger Award #2 from Luanne and Bubbles. :)


  • No need to upload the button to your own  server.
  •  Give this button to 10 of your blogger friends.
  •  Thank your friend who gave you this award
Luanne and Bubbles: Thank you for this award! I really appreciate it. Thanks for your kindness. :") and I'm looking forward to know you sweethearts more! ^^

I'm sharing this to: Angel, Bethany, Brielle, Clau, Claire, Jacque, Jen, Jamie, Megan, and Patrish

As for those who already received this award. Disregard. Haha.
