Nikole who?

Name: Nikole
Age: 15
Birth date: November 28
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Philippines
Status: Loved

Food: Sisig & Carbonara
Music: RnB
Color: Pink
Brands: F&H, Just G., Forever 21, Candies
Hang-outs: Mall, Eastwood, My room, At the house facing the computer.
Hobbies: Shopping, Playing Billiards, Blogging


1. It's Obvious, I like Blogging. :)
2. You'll mostly find me in front of the Computer.
3. Addicted to Gossip Girl.
4. I over-analyze things which leads to worrying. :(
5. Plays Counter Strike with Girlfriends.
6. Loves to play billiards.
7. Collects Nail Polish.
8. I really hate it when I get scolded.
9. One-word: MOODY
