Friday, June 24, 2011


Fact: At 7mins and 8secs after 6 o’clock on Sep. 10th of this year, It will be 06:07:08 09/10/11. It will not happen again until 3011.

I captured a rainbow! Haha. I'm ridiculous. uhh.. I love rainbows, they rarely appear so I'm really happy when I see one. This automatically makes me smile and say "Look! a RAINBOOOWW!Haha!

This was taken in the morning. Before the rain! I don't know, haha. I thought rainbows are supposed to appear after the rain? But yeah, It was such a gloomy morning. I didn't had the chance to take a picture of the other rainbow. It was a rainbow after rainbow.. like this one:  

and It's right above our heads! Haha. That's all. It's been a while. So many works, very busy, and that's just two weeks of school. Ohmy. I'll have my next entry as soon as I'll have my free time.You'll be reading a lot from me next time. Hopefully! Haha. ;)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Junior High

Sophomore years has ended. Oh man! But yeah, on those last days... I learned how to "like" studying. Haha. Just because I became one of the top 10 in our class, I got motivated. ^^ Even though before, I never really cared about studying.. I'm just reading, and listening, and reading and more reading. ugh. ^^ Most of you smarty-pants study before playing, but in my case, I ended up staying late to memorize those history stuff just because I was busy watching television or browsing the net earlier that day. Haha. Well yeah, I study. Of course, so that I will not be embarrassed when the teacher calls and asks me a question, right? But I never really expected to be one of those achievers. And from that day, here comes...

The First day of Junior High school. Ohmy! We are now on the third floor of the building! Haha. And there goes the traditional "introduce yourself in front of the class". :| Except for the fact that everybody already know me. well, most of them. hah! :) Ooh. Homeworks, projects, assignments, lectures.. I would love to have a great challenge. Especially projects, and yeah. I cram! For the reason that I really don't know what to do at first or otherwise I'm out of juices for new ideas~ I'm really expecting a lot from this school year, especially after this and my senior year,
 I'm off to college! Waaa. ^^

Hmm.. I think this is my first entry about my deep, deep, deep thoughts, ne~? Haha. So.. I think It's already 5:45 in the morning. I'm off to school, okay? My heart beats fast! O.O
 Good Luck Nikole! ^^ *sigh, See you next entry sweethearts! Jyaaa ne ;)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Phone Deco

Hoho. Look! Aaaahhhhh!! Well, It's really my first time to do this and It took us hours to finish! Kidding. ^^ Of course with the help of my mom. :)  Haha. It's hard at first timers, (like this girl ^^) when we're "positioning" the deco-thingy. Haha and, uh... cutting a hole for the camera lens. It's like my mom and I are doing an operation in the hospital! Hahaha. But, totally worth it!


Tan-aaaann! Haha. ^^

Well, that's it! :D My phone is upgraded. Okay, I'm sorry I forgot to take a picture of the back part of my phone. Gomen~ne. I got excited in applying it already. Haha. So, yeah. I don't know what to say anymore!! hmm.. Aahh. Haha. Crazy again. *wink ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Etude House + Blogger Award #2

I went to a friend's house and since It's near from a mall... yeah, I spent again! :/ Haha. I went to SM City Masinag, and I saw Etude House open already! I was just shocked! Lol. Well, I'm really waiting for it but It's just a pity that I didn't prepared enough money that time. Talk about wrong timing! I will be back there soon! Haha. For the meantime, these stuff:

 EH Loofah and LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails 

LUCIDarling Fantastic Nails

Sorry, I can't read it. ^^

And oh, you need to purchase a minimum of P500 worth of products on single receipt at any Etude House boutique to access their Pink Membership. I was confused when this lady in the cashier gave me the form for their membership and asked for approx P650 payment.. I was just like... O.o huh? what? :| When in fact I just bought two items which costs.. I think approx P250 only! *ehem! Haha.

 And yeah, I bought these pens too! Barbie Roller Pen (and some G-Tech)@ National Bookstore<3

And about that Friendship Button Award, I'm sorry It's kinda late.. Here it is:
My Blogger Award #2 from Luanne and Bubbles. :)


  • No need to upload the button to your own  server.
  •  Give this button to 10 of your blogger friends.
  •  Thank your friend who gave you this award
Luanne and Bubbles: Thank you for this award! I really appreciate it. Thanks for your kindness. :") and I'm looking forward to know you sweethearts more! ^^

I'm sharing this to: Angel, Bethany, Brielle, Clau, Claire, Jacque, Jen, Jamie, Megan, and Patrish

As for those who already received this award. Disregard. Haha.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Shopping Haul #1 + New layout

I haven't updated for... uh, 6 DAYS?! Gomen ne~ Things get busy around here, since school is starting soon! I have to get used not using the computer? Noo! Haha. Right, so today I have so many thing to share with you sweethearts! I went SHOPPING! Ooooohhhh. :) ...with my family! Look at what I've got:

1. Juicy Couture Bag - This was a gift from my mom since school is approaching. On June 13, exactly. I really really love it! It has my favorite color, It's PINK! Isn't it cute?

2. False Eyelashes - I don't know why I even bought this? Haha. Will it look good on me? ^^

3. Ribbons - I can clip this on anything.. My hair, bag, clothes, etc.., an added cuteness to my everyday look on school. wibbons, wibbons, wibbons! Haha

4. Charms - It caught my attention! The heart and ribbon pendant is too much cuteness. ^^

5. Phone Deco - I barely use my LG COOKIE phone.. so I will "bling" it up. How cool is that? :P I'll blog this on my next entry when It's done!

6. Grooming Tools - Look, It's container is heart-shaped! and of course.. haha PINK! ^^ It is a set, which includes: a baby nail cutter, a big nail cutter, tweezers, scissors, nail pusher, a nail file, cuticle remover, mirror and I really don't know what are the names of those other two. haha.

That sets my mini haul! and I have a new layout and background music. ^^

What do you think? ;)
