Saturday, September 17, 2011

Modern Dance Competition

the kid with the red glasses on the left. ;)

It's been several weeks or days or yeah, a month! >< I don't have that much time to blog anymore, and our monthly exam is on Monday, I have to review! I have a goal to be in our top achievers this quarter. well good luck. Haha.

Yeah, I've joined our Modern Dance Competition held in our school, where every year level compete. During our practice, we give all our time and effort, oh well, most of it.. or not? haha. I admit, we always have fun with what we're doing, so all the joy gets in the way. Sometimes, we don't take our practice seriously. 

Okay, so it's our Intramural Games, and I'm a Badminton Player. I have a game on schedule and our dance starts for less than an hour! Oh no! I don't have much time to prepare. If I leave, my game will be defaulted. Aaaaahhh.. Haha. But no, fortunately, they cut the games. hmm.. So I went home to prepare. Kk. Enough of the story...

Fast forward.. We placed 3rd. That's sad :( 
But the memories are priceless! swear! :) Here are some photos taken after. Ta-naaan:

hungrrrrrryyyyyy! ^^

with my cousin and ate kriselle :)

That's all for now, Thanks for reading until here! I promise I'll bloghop as soon as my schedule got loose and my computer is fixed, ok? Stay put. Haha. That's why I love y'all sweethearts! *wink Buh bye. :)
