Saturday, October 1, 2011

Oh, October...

Please be awesome, please be awesome, please be awesome... Oh, cross-fingers!! Haha. We've got exciting activities in our school this month.Yay! First, our Science Camp, overnight! We got to do things like Robotics Dance (yeah, raised eyebrow. hoho), jingle writing competition, environmental fliers, the Sci Tech Quiz, That Bb. Kalikasan.. Oh well, I can't remember the others. I guess it will surely be lotsa fun. Hoho. And for the last day, overnight again! Girl Scouts now. Kyaaaa~ Haha 
Armed and ready to go. Maybe? Haha

And oh, I found this:
makes me drool. YUM*  heaven! 
Until next entry, okay? mwah mwah :-* ^^
