Monday, June 13, 2011

Junior High

Sophomore years has ended. Oh man! But yeah, on those last days... I learned how to "like" studying. Haha. Just because I became one of the top 10 in our class, I got motivated. ^^ Even though before, I never really cared about studying.. I'm just reading, and listening, and reading and more reading. ugh. ^^ Most of you smarty-pants study before playing, but in my case, I ended up staying late to memorize those history stuff just because I was busy watching television or browsing the net earlier that day. Haha. Well yeah, I study. Of course, so that I will not be embarrassed when the teacher calls and asks me a question, right? But I never really expected to be one of those achievers. And from that day, here comes...

The First day of Junior High school. Ohmy! We are now on the third floor of the building! Haha. And there goes the traditional "introduce yourself in front of the class". :| Except for the fact that everybody already know me. well, most of them. hah! :) Ooh. Homeworks, projects, assignments, lectures.. I would love to have a great challenge. Especially projects, and yeah. I cram! For the reason that I really don't know what to do at first or otherwise I'm out of juices for new ideas~ I'm really expecting a lot from this school year, especially after this and my senior year,
 I'm off to college! Waaa. ^^

Hmm.. I think this is my first entry about my deep, deep, deep thoughts, ne~? Haha. So.. I think It's already 5:45 in the morning. I'm off to school, okay? My heart beats fast! O.O
 Good Luck Nikole! ^^ *sigh, See you next entry sweethearts! Jyaaa ne ;)
