Thursday, June 9, 2011

Phone Deco

Hoho. Look! Aaaahhhhh!! Well, It's really my first time to do this and It took us hours to finish! Kidding. ^^ Of course with the help of my mom. :)  Haha. It's hard at first timers, (like this girl ^^) when we're "positioning" the deco-thingy. Haha and, uh... cutting a hole for the camera lens. It's like my mom and I are doing an operation in the hospital! Hahaha. But, totally worth it!


Tan-aaaann! Haha. ^^

Well, that's it! :D My phone is upgraded. Okay, I'm sorry I forgot to take a picture of the back part of my phone. Gomen~ne. I got excited in applying it already. Haha. So, yeah. I don't know what to say anymore!! hmm.. Aahh. Haha. Crazy again. *wink ;)


Joanna said...

OMG!! Nice :D I've been looking for deco sheets for such a long time now. >_< Where did you buy those?

Ankyls said...

I love it !

Unknown said...

Girly design... :D I like it!

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Joanna: My mom's friend is selling it. :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Ankyl & Jennifer. Thank you! <3 :)

Ankyls said...

thanks !:)))

nik said...

cute cellphone deco! been searching for one since the last time I went to the mall. Cute cellphone too :>

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Nik: Thanks! Yeah, It's kinda hard to find. <3 :")))

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Ayu: Uh, I'm confused. sorry. Haha. I didn't make it, I just bought it. :)))

Rachelle said...

cool deco. so girly. was it hard to put? :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Rachelle: Not so much. You just stick the sheet on your phone and it's done. :)

Mei めい said...

kawaii :D

Ayel said...

that is a very nice design! :) so girly! ^^

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Mel & Ayel: Yah yah, Thanks! chuu~ :))

words said...

nice!! ;)
adds to the observers and look forward to the same + invite me

Poppy Miau said...

great post !.♥
visit me

Unknown said...

goodness, I love the case!!!
really blingbling <3 <3 <3

Kristen said...

Such a cute design, Nikole! * u*

I wonder if I can order one to your mom's friend. Would you help me? :)
