Friday, June 24, 2011


Fact: At 7mins and 8secs after 6 o’clock on Sep. 10th of this year, It will be 06:07:08 09/10/11. It will not happen again until 3011.

I captured a rainbow! Haha. I'm ridiculous. uhh.. I love rainbows, they rarely appear so I'm really happy when I see one. This automatically makes me smile and say "Look! a RAINBOOOWW!Haha!

This was taken in the morning. Before the rain! I don't know, haha. I thought rainbows are supposed to appear after the rain? But yeah, It was such a gloomy morning. I didn't had the chance to take a picture of the other rainbow. It was a rainbow after rainbow.. like this one:  

and It's right above our heads! Haha. That's all. It's been a while. So many works, very busy, and that's just two weeks of school. Ohmy. I'll have my next entry as soon as I'll have my free time.You'll be reading a lot from me next time. Hopefully! Haha. ;)


Ayel said...

Nice shots of rainbow dear, I rarely see one and most of the time I don't have a cam with me, I'm jealous! keep it up! ^_^

grech said...

Hmmm How come rainbows doesn't look that bright when I try to take a pic of them? In fact they're hardly visible at all... T_T

That was a nice shot btw :3 Kudos~

And thanks for sharing that fact. :3 Gonna take note of it :3

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Ayu: Hoho. I've got my eye on that. :"))))

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Ayel: oh, thanks! <3

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Grech: I must be lucky! ^^ It's my first time to take a picture of a rainbow, with just my phone camera. Thanks chuu. :-*
