Friday, June 3, 2011

Shopping Haul #1 + New layout

I haven't updated for... uh, 6 DAYS?! Gomen ne~ Things get busy around here, since school is starting soon! I have to get used not using the computer? Noo! Haha. Right, so today I have so many thing to share with you sweethearts! I went SHOPPING! Ooooohhhh. :) ...with my family! Look at what I've got:

1. Juicy Couture Bag - This was a gift from my mom since school is approaching. On June 13, exactly. I really really love it! It has my favorite color, It's PINK! Isn't it cute?

2. False Eyelashes - I don't know why I even bought this? Haha. Will it look good on me? ^^

3. Ribbons - I can clip this on anything.. My hair, bag, clothes, etc.., an added cuteness to my everyday look on school. wibbons, wibbons, wibbons! Haha

4. Charms - It caught my attention! The heart and ribbon pendant is too much cuteness. ^^

5. Phone Deco - I barely use my LG COOKIE phone.. so I will "bling" it up. How cool is that? :P I'll blog this on my next entry when It's done!

6. Grooming Tools - Look, It's container is heart-shaped! and of course.. haha PINK! ^^ It is a set, which includes: a baby nail cutter, a big nail cutter, tweezers, scissors, nail pusher, a nail file, cuticle remover, mirror and I really don't know what are the names of those other two. haha.

That sets my mini haul! and I have a new layout and background music. ^^

What do you think? ;)


Joanna said...

OMG. So cute stuffs XD

Unknown said...

so many nice stuff...

Unknown said...

Woooow. How much yung fake eyelashes? Parang I wanna try it too! This came from a person who's not-so-interested-in-girl-stuff! LOL! :)))

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Joanna & Jennifer: Haha. Yeah, ikr. Thank you. :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@April: I got it for only $2. :)

Ankyls said...


greetings from Poland;)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@ankyl: Thanks! :)
