Sunday, December 18, 2011

All I want for Christmas is You

It's 7 days 'til Christmas, baby.
Merry Christmas ladies. :)

When I reminisce my past Christmas celebrations,
 I just think that we don't celebrate Christmas as happy as before.
In my childhood, my grandparents would play christmas songs on the stereo, 
cook and prepare lots of food, all the lights are sparkling and colorful, 
oh men, I can't explain how happy our place looks like. 
But now, oh well. never mind. Haha. Just like that. Is that because were grown-ups? wow. Haha
and I admit, my last christmas wasn't what I was expecting it to be. (expectations, yeah it sucks). 
Me and my cousins are sitting at the couch staring at each other and 
doesn't have a clue what to do. :| talk about being bored to death. Oh well.

Ehem. Enough of the bad vibes.
Our class party :

a kiss from Crishamei <3 :))

Let's see what I'll be receiving this Christmas. kyaa
'til next time, huh? heehee.

Q: What would you like to receive this Christmas? :)


Ahleessa said...

Awww~ You're so cute! I wish I was young again... hehe~

Unknown said...

Hi! Thx for the comment (*^▽^*) . Lovely blog , I follow U (●`3´●)

Ankyls said...

thank you!:)

cute pictures!

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Ahleesa: Heehee.. Thank you :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Fanny & Ankyl : Thanks ;)

Keki said...

Heyyy,yayy sure we can follow each other! I followed you, hope you do the same :) you look soo pretty, I love your hair

Nikole Mendoza said...

I can't find you on my followers >< but I already followed you. :)

Carrie said...

Happy Holidays!!!

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas! I actually agree with you about the holidays not feeling so "holidayish". Maybe it's because we are getting older. We didn't have snow here in Ohio so it really didn't feel like Christmas! We tried to gain the Christmas spirit... it worked a little :) We had a nice dinner and everyone was pretty happy!

Get ready for 2012, it's right around the corner!

Keki said...

Heyy :) I tried to follow you again, I hope it works now! I think my connection broke the last time I tried it. so sorry^.^ ..does it say that I follow you now?
Hope you had a lovely christmas!

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Carrie: Wow, I wish it snows here too. :) Have a safe and happy new year! :D

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Keki: Yey, It finally worked. Thank you! :))))) Have a happy new year! :DDD
