Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello Kitty Glasses

Oyess. the glasses. haha.
Yesterday, we went shopping! with my mom and dad. hoho
We started at 11nn and went home at 9pm.
A total of 10 hours roaming places and shopping malls. XD
I was really haggard and tulala na when we finally realized that it's time to go home already ^^
my feet totally hurt but it was worth it.
The happiness of buying things a.k.a shopping
Do you also feel it? Hahaha.

Q: What's up with me lately?
A: Nothing? ^^ I'm suffering a somehow boring summer. We still don't have plans for the upcoming month. But I'm hoping that this summer won't end until I've got the happiness of never forgetting what happened this year's summer. Is it me or this message is getting weirder? Hahaha. Anyways, I'm very happy that my relationship with my little sister is improving. We tend to go to malls together, without each other gettting bored. We somehow share the same interests because we don't really hate each other. Oh my, looking back at the old days, we end up pulling each other's hair, there goes scratching, biting, tulakan, hanggang sa agawan ng toys, food, and also the computer! Haha. How funny. I'm very impressed that she is growing nice, mature, and becoming sweet little young lady! haha. oh my, what an elder sister.
