Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blogger Award #1

Ohmy, I really didn't expect that I will be given an award, since.. I was a blogger for 2 weeks only! This is my first time to receive an award, I'm really happy. :") Thank you.


1) Make a post containing:

* Say thank you to someone who give you this award
* Write about someone who give you this award
* Write about yourself
* There's a banner award and code
* Give this award to your 9 blogger-friends (blogends)
* Don't forget to leave a messages in their chatbox

2) Use this banner award on your blog sidebar, without changing the banner's code.

To Joanna & Kristen: I didn't expected this coming from you guys :). Thanks for giving me an award and also for being friendly. I'm really thankful! I wanna know you more. Arigato~ ;)
I'm Nikole, 14 years old. An incoming Junior student in high school. I adore everything in pink! ^^ and I am looking forward to meet new friends, and I hope that It's you! :)
 Alright, I wanna share this to these sweethearts:

So, I'm off to the mall. Be back LATER! Jyaaa-ne~ ;)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pink Overload

It's raining pink! Hoho. I really don't know why I like pink? It just looks good on my twinkling eyes. ^^ When it comes to my other sites and accounts, you'll always see the color Pink. As you've noticed, There's too much of the word Pink. I keep saying Pink. Haha. Pink. Alright, I'm crazy. Here is my sister checking out my blog page. Wonder what she's up to? Haha. Check out my other sites on the little hearts below. :")


Enough of those Pink. I have this mark on my hand and I don't know how it got there. Haha.

But then I saw this picture on my tumblr dash and also from my blogger friends

So, It's from my computer addict-ness huh? Is that even the right grammar? Haha. It's just my daily habit that when I woke up, I went straight to my computer desk and start browsing! Sometimes, I even forgot to eat! Haha. My hand is glued to the mouse. Tendency, I got that mark. My sister will push me away from my seat so she'll get her turn. It takes me 10 hours or even a whole day in front of the computer! Haha. I'm so sorry for being like that.

 When school starts, It won't be the same anymore. :( Of course I have to focus. My class starts on June 13, and maybe, I'll blog only on weekends. On Sundays particularly. I have classes on Saturdays, I'm a Girl Scout and will be leading my patrol this school year. Hoho. Will be posting pictures next time. Good luck to me. :")

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Look at what Bubbles got for me! Aww. I ask for a little princess with a pretty crown. ^^

Thank you for granting my request. It's extremely amazing. :"))) 
Yeah, on my last entry I introduced to you all my trusty girlfriends and cousins. Moving on, here is my little sister. Her name is Chezca Nicolette. From the "Nicolette".. I think it's the little sister of my name, and because she is makulit too! Haha. 

See! I took those pictures and I was amazed how she can look like that. I can't believe it! kidding. Haha. As of now, she is on the "emo-rock style" I don't even know why and how? Haha. She saw me blogging and decided to create a blog as well. Check her out >here<. It's still under construction, maybe. But yeah, check her out. She wants some followers too! *wink (^.~) When we were little, we always fight! And as I've said, I act like the bunso. But we're in good situation nowadays, no worries. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I would like to introduce my girlfriends! :)
from L-R: Cj, Me, Michiyo, Charmaine, Jasmine
Raveth and Xristal

Some of them are my classmates since first grade! Others are from my high school years.
(: I can say, we really enjoy each others presence.
We share incessant jokes, sneaky moves, unforgettable laugh trips,
embarrassing moments, tough problems, and
especially when one of us ( or all of us ) gets scolded by our teacher! ^^

Here are my cousins. ><

Sandy is 13 days younger than me, and Jenny is a year older.
When we have spare time, we go to the mall together. 

I really LOVE them. *wink

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy I Heart You Day

I just noticed, It's 143th Day of 2011!

Spread the LOVE, sweethearts. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Pat, Luanne and April and this is my first tag! Ooh. haha. Enjoy reading..

Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
You have to choose and tag ten people.
Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
No tag backs.
Have Fun.

Besides the " 10 Facts " found in my Missy section.. Here comes more for your information. ;)

  • I don't have a brother.
  • I'm the eldest but acts like the "bunso" 
  •  Never gets tired of Salty foods. *yum* :)
  • I love dolling up. ^^
  • Texting 24/7
  • In love with shoes
  • My most embarrassing moment is when I joined a beauty contest for the first time. *blushes* :p 
  • Shopping takes my stress away
  • Finds Hello Kitty, Rilakumma, and Kuromi adoraaaaable. :3
  • I have the coolest mom and dad. *cheers*
I'm tagging: Yesha, BethanyDanella, Rachelle, Trish, Chezca, Nik, and Trish. Gomen ne~ Everyone seems like their been tagged already.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crush of the moment

Aww. I go googly-eye for this guy! Haha. Crazy much? Lolss.


Ohmygoshh. what the? haha. Well, my friends ain't gonna see me...! Never! %)
So, he is my "one-minute crush", for now. For "Now"? haha. wait for the next one. The "Next" one? Hahaha. Yeah, I'm crazy. 

Friday, May 20, 2011


Just got home from the mall. Ugh.. soooo tired. I went out with my cousin Sandy and Chezca my little sister. I realized that I don't have an entry yesterday.. Gomen ne~ :( ( I just feel saying "sorry" in japanese language! :P) We play arcade, eat "food" and bought nothing! Boo! Just kiddin' haha. I'm not satisfied when I'm at the mall and don't have anything in hand going home. Right, I'm the big spender? No, just now. Hey, it's vacation! haha. So yeah, I'm just damn frustrated, 'cause my camera won't function with the computer.. errr. I can't share my photos! I promise, I'll fix this! :( Goodluck! haha. *wink

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho

Aaaaaaahhhh! My latest addiction. I watched it a while ago, it's very sad because Miho left Dae-woong all alone. But, in the end they'll get married, anyway. Ooops. :-X Gomen ne~ (japanese?) Haha. It's thrilling to watch and find out what happens next. ;) Nakaka"kilig" lang talaga.! ( Oh look, I can speak TAGALOG too! O.o) Hahaha.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


While my last entry is kinda childish, I would love to share some of the pink photos, courtesy of tumblr, google, and weheartit.

O.o WANT! :)

If you own any of them and want it to be credited or removed, contact me. :)
