Sunday, May 22, 2011

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Pat, Luanne and April and this is my first tag! Ooh. haha. Enjoy reading..

Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
You have to choose and tag ten people.
Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
No tag backs.
Have Fun.

Besides the " 10 Facts " found in my Missy section.. Here comes more for your information. ;)

  • I don't have a brother.
  • I'm the eldest but acts like the "bunso" 
  •  Never gets tired of Salty foods. *yum* :)
  • I love dolling up. ^^
  • Texting 24/7
  • In love with shoes
  • My most embarrassing moment is when I joined a beauty contest for the first time. *blushes* :p 
  • Shopping takes my stress away
  • Finds Hello Kitty, Rilakumma, and Kuromi adoraaaaable. :3
  • I have the coolest mom and dad. *cheers*
I'm tagging: Yesha, BethanyDanella, Rachelle, Trish, Chezca, Nik, and Trish. Gomen ne~ Everyone seems like their been tagged already.


Rachelle said...

will do this on my next post :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Rachelle. Okay sis. :)

Luanne said...

Same here with number 1. lol.

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Luanne: Sure. :D

• a • t • h • e • n • a said...

shopping takes away my stress too.. :) girlthing.

Nikole Mendoza said...

@athena: Yeah. True. Haha.

Trish said...

OH MY I'm tagged again! Thank you ;> Gonna do this on my next post ;)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Trish: Oh, that's okay. Haha

Patrish said...

I'm in love with shoes too. ;-) I wish my parents we're as cool as yours. Mine are too uptight. :P

Unknown said...

Texting 24/7? HOW? o_o

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Patrish: That's great! uh.. But they're strict too, believe me. Haha

Nikole Mendoza said...

@April: I belong to these "Texting Clan" which I'm forced to stay awake all night! Haha. Well, It's summer. And, It's fun! Kinda. haha.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh okay okay :D

Kristen said...

Cool infos~^^

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Kristen: Hoho. Thanks :)
