Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crush of the moment

Aww. I go googly-eye for this guy! Haha. Crazy much? Lolss.


Ohmygoshh. what the? haha. Well, my friends ain't gonna see me...! Never! %)
So, he is my "one-minute crush", for now. For "Now"? haha. wait for the next one. The "Next" one? Hahaha. Yeah, I'm crazy. 


Nice Salcedo said...

haha :D he's indeed pretty handsome.

Luanne said...

James Reid!! lol. :)

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Nice: Yeap. Agree! ;P

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Luanne: That's right. James Reid! haha.

Rachelle said...

i saw him at shang last year and he's so gwapo. it's like his skin is glowing. lol. i went gaga when i saw him in person cos i got a crush on him that time.

Nikole Mendoza said...

@Rachelle: awww. omg, that's cool. haha! :D
